Saturday, April 10, 2010

JOotG Chapter 6 - Of Popcorn and Tom Servo

A/N: Finally, here it is – part two of movie non-date night :)

My reviewers are the best! I love you all! And yay for over a thousand visitors now!

Still don't own any of them, but Edward so owns me.



I sat in the car, staring through the window at the guys. Now that I knew he was Alice's brother, I could see a bit of her in him. Not the pixie parts – there was nothing fey about him. But it was there in the definition of his cheekbones and the vibrance of his eyes, though they were the most enchanting green while hers were a beautiful silver.

There was also a mischievous gleam in those eyes, very similar to the one that graced Alice's countenance so often. Both of them looked so…happy. So free. It made me envious.

The unruly hair was another similarity, though Alice tamed hers into spikes arranged in casual disarray. Edward's hair looked as if it would never behave, no matter what he tried. Of course, he didn't look like he tried anything, standing there running his fingers through it as he was. He looked calm…casual…perfectly at ease.

And I felt anything but.

The sound of Alice's door opening broke me from my trance, and I felt my cheeks flush as I realized I had been unabashedly staring at him.

Brilliant. Very subtle, Bella.

I really couldn't help it. I was so completely flustered, baffled even, by the dizzying array of emotions that were still coursing through me. My brain seemed to have abandoned me, and I truly hoped it found its way home before I was expected to speak.

Taking a shaky breath, I opened my own door and started to get out…right up until I choked myself with the seatbelt I hadn't bothered to unfasten yet. The flame of my cheeks reached epic proportions as I finally managed to extricate myself, relieved beyond belief that the boys hadn't noticed our arrival yet.

Dammit, Bella, get a grip. He's a guy. So what? You have tons of guy friends.

But…the little voice in my head barely whispered.

I quashed that voice quick before it could even hint that I might want to be something more than friends with Edward Cullen. I didn't want that. How could I?


I said no, bitch.

God, what an inane argument to have with myself. I sighed.

Alice looked back from her place on the sidewalk where she was waiting for me, impatient to get to Jasper. As I reached her, she began tugging on my shirt, straightening my hair, and otherwise making sure I was appropriately displaying her skills. When I was deemed as close to perfect as I could get, she smiled at me and grabbed my hand, dragging me across the sidewalk to where Jasper and Edward waited.

Edward noticed Alice as we walked, and I saw him flash her a smile before he glanced at me. His eyes widened, and his smile faded. I felt…disappointed somehow.

Well, that wasn't exactly the reaction I'd been hoping for.

I felt my spirits fall a bit as we continued walking toward them, but just before I managed to finally wrench my eyes away from Edward's face, I saw a slow, wide smile spread across his lips as he still gazed at me.

I giggled like a giddy schoolgirl on the inside.

And I didn't even feel silly about it.

Looking to the left of Edward, I saw Jasper staring at me, slack-jawed and dumbfounded. I laughed out loud at his expression, even though it was a little insulting if I really thought about it.

Jasper grinned when he heard me laugh, and he said, "Damn, Bells!" before letting out a low whistle.

I rolled my eyes and smacked his shoulder, muttering, "Shut the fuck up!" Raising my voice, I said, "Sorry we're late…blame Tinkerbell here."

I was startled when I heard musical laughter at my comment. Beautiful laugh…another similarity with Alice. I glanced shyly at Edward from the corner of my eye and saw him laughing heartily while Alice glared at him through narrowed eyes. She pinched him so hard that I winced – that shit looked painful.

He said, "Ouch, damn it!" and twisted out of her grasp, but he continued to chuckle, shaking his head. Alice stuck her tongue out at him and huffed for a moment before she threw herself at Jasper, reaching up to lock her arms around his neck when he leaned down to kiss her.

I smiled as I watched them, happy to see that they were still so stupidly in love. It was disgusting and uncomfortable at times, but I really did like that they were so perfect together. I glanced at Edward – I really didn't seem to be able to help myself – to see his reaction, but I was surprised to see he was looking at…me. I blushed deeply and glanced away, unable to stop the smile spreading on my lips.

Just then, Jasper managed to untangle himself from Alice. He pulled her to his side and smiled at us, saying, "Bells, this is Alice's brother Edward – Edward, my best friend Bella."

I started to step forward, holding my hand out, when I heard Edward breathe, "Beautiful," and my hand fell to my side as I blushed furiously.

"What?" I asked stupidly.

Edward's eyes widened slightly, and he said, "Oh ah, I was just saying 'Bella' means 'beautiful', right? In Italian?"

I felt heat flood my cheeks as my eyes widened as well. I stood there, struck dumb for a beat too long, before I heard myself say, "I guess it's a good thing my parents named me Isabella then – would hate to misrepresent 'Bella'."

Now what the fuck made me say that? I think he was saying I was beautiful…right?

No…can't be…

Can it?

I mentally bitch slapped myself, struggling to return to the conversation that had now sprung up between Alice, Jasper, and Edward.

My mind kicked into gear just as I heard Edward telling Jasper he was attending the University of Washington School of Medicine. He said he was unsure of his specialty, but he was thinking of sports medicine.

So he likes sports…

I was annoyed to realize I was starting a mental catalog of things I knew about Edward. And more annoyed to realize that the first thing on the list was has the sexiest smirk I've ever seen.

I jumped slightly when I heard my name, and I blushed to realize I had drifted off into thoughts of Edward and was staring at him again. At least he'd been speaking this time, so I had a reason to be looking.

I quickly scanned back in my memory, searching desperately for what Jasper had just said. Then I remembered: Bella and I are both TAs at U Dub.

I smiled and nodded, saying, "I work in the English department, and Jasper's a history buff."

"English, huh?" Edward smiled, and I melted a little bit at the way the left side of his lips curved up just a bit more than the right.

How fucking cute is he? The twelve-year-old girl in me was sighing. I didn't even know I had a twelve-year-old girl in me anymore.

"I'm an avid reader myself. Is there a particular period you're interested in?" Edward was gazing at me intently, as if my answer was vitally important to him. I felt the skin over my cheekbones heat and knew that my trademark blush was beginning to make its appearance.

"Well, I was always focused on the English Renaissance – particularly John Donne – but Dr. Hendricks recently turned me on to William Faulkner, and now I have this strange fascination with Southern Lit and American Studies too. My thesis is on Donne's treatment of women, though – even though some of his poems seem to have misogynistic themes, I really think he gets a bad rap that he doesn't deserve…well, doesn't always deserve anyway," I said, realizing that even with Mr. Dazzling here, discussions of literature brought out the babble in me.

Edward's smile broadened, and he said, "Twice or thrice had I loved thee, before I knew thy face or name."



Was he seriously quoting "Air and Angels"? I actually felt my heart flutter, and I stared at him, dumbfounded.

As I stood there, not saying anything, just staring at him, I saw his face fall a bit.

"That's him, right? I was sure he wrote 'Air and Angels'…" he trailed off, frowning slightly as he looked up, obviously racking his brain.

Dammit, Bella. Mr. Dazzling here is quoting your favorite poem by your favorite poet to you, and you're making him feel stupid.

Just as I opened my mouth to speak, Alice apparently came out of her conversation with Jasper and whined, "Come on! We're going to miss the previews!"

I frowned and shot her a look of frustration, which she seemed not to notice. I looked over at Edward, but he was now focused on Alice, and I felt…disappointed…that our conversation had to end. Even Jasper didn't get my fascination with the Renaissance, and he pretended to snore every time I tried to make him read Donne. I'd given up on that years ago.

Alice tugged on Jasper's hand, pulling him toward the theater doors, and Edward began to follow. I sighed and then said, "I'm going to get some popcorn. Want anything?"

"No thanks, Bells," Jasper said, and I frowned at him.

"Don't think you're sharing mine, Hale. If you want something, tell me now." I knew all too well what happened when Jasper didn't get popcorn. And I don't fucking share my popcorn. Movie popcorn is a sacred thing.

Jasper just laughed and said, "We'll see you inside!" as Alice pulled him through the doors.

I noticed Edward was still standing beside me, and I smiled, saying, "What about you? Want me to get you anything?" I was relieved to see that I was finally starting to sound normal around him. I guess my annoyance with Jasper was good for that much, at least.

"I'll come with you," Edward said, and my heart fluttered again.

We moved into the line, and I noticed Edward was keeping his distance from me. I didn't know if it was because he just didn't want to be closer to me, or if Alice had warned him about my…episodes. I grimaced at both possibilities.

Edward noticed and asked, "What is it?" with a faint smile in his voice and on his lips.

"Umm…nothing, really. So how is it you know John Donne? Most people just stare at me blankly when I mention him."

"Oh…well, as an undergrad, I had a minor in English. I always loved literature, and it was sort of a nice balance to all the sciences I was taking," Edward's smile spread naturally upon his lips, and I could tell somehow that he really did love literature.

Could he get any more perfect than he is?

We continued to talk books as the line moved slowly, and I was really surprised at how easy he was to talk to. I didn't feel awkward at all despite my intense attraction to him, and that was definitely new. I did occasionally have to stop myself from moving closer and touching him. I didn't seem to be able to help myself.

It was midway through a conversation on Kurt Vonnegut that I remembered what Alice had said…

"So I don't think he's gay, but I do know that he's just…not interested. In anyone."

I felt my heart sink. Of course you feel comfortable around him…you know he won't try anything because He's. Not. Fucking. Interested.

I felt something so close to despair that it took my breath away, and it was then that I had to admit – really admit – that I wanted something with Edward. I didn't know what, but I wanted him in my life…as much of him as I could get.

But…now I was worried about scaring him away. If he really didn't date, really wasn't interested in anyone, I would have to be careful to not let him see how attracted to him I was.

Ugh, just fucking perfect. The first guy I've been interested in in seven years, and I can't let him know.

I was disgusted to realize that a large part of me was relieved by that fact. I'm such a fucking train wreck.

"What's wrong, Bella?" Edward's concerned voice broke through my mental anguish, and I melted a bit at the caring tone I heard.

"Oh, nothing. I just spaced for a minute. Sorry." I smiled at him as naturally as I was able, and I turned to the counter, relieved to see that it was finally our turn so I didn't have to deal with trying to act normal while talking to him right now.

I ordered a tub of popcorn and a large Coke, and I noticed Edward start to reach for his wallet before he stopped and lowered his hand with a frown. After I paid for my snack, he ordered a Coke for himself and paid for it, then picked up both drinks and smiled down at me.

"Shall we?" he said. I motioned for him to go on and followed behind him, smiling at his back as he carried my drink for me. He would make Mama Hale proud.

We entered the darkened theater just as the last preview ended and looked for Alice and Jasper, spotting them as the opening credits started.

Edward motioned for me to go ahead of him, and I walked down the aisle toward Jasper. I took the seat next to him and turned to Edward, who handed me my drink with a tight smile before he turned and walked down to the next row, which was empty, and crossed over to sit next to Alice.

Ugh, I'd forgotten my stupid condition. I cursed myself internally.

I sighed softly and settled in to watch the movie. Alice chose it, so I wasn't very hopeful.

It more than lived up to my non-expectations. It was a romantic comedy, and it was soooo bad. I amused myself by keeping up a running commentary in my head that would make Crow and Tom Servo proud.

Of course, that meant that I kept laughing at all the wrong parts, when the rest of the theater was totally quiet. Jasper knew what I was up to and began laughing with me, likely thinking the same things I was. I glanced to my left and noticed Edward watching the two of us with an amused grin. Alice was not so amused and had a most un-pixie-like glare on her face that made me laugh harder.

I stopped laughing when I felt Jasper's thieving hand sneak into my half-empty popcorn tub.

"Back off my popcorn, bitch!" I smacked him. Hard. "I told you to get your own!"

I heard Edward's musical laugh, and then it was cut off quickly when Alice smacked him for laughing at Jasper and disrupting the movie. I snorted. Edward kept chuckling, and I noticed that, after that, he seemed to be laughing at all the same parts I did. All the wrong parts.

If I melted any more, there was going to be nothing left but a puddle on the floor. Bella goo.

I giggled as the end credits rolled.

I avoided Alice's glare as we stood and left the theater. I tossed my empty popcorn bucket and cup into the trash and then led the way outside. I frowned when I realized it was raining, and it had gotten cold while we were watching the movie.

And Alice had me in a thin, short sleeved shirt. Bleh.

I reached the end of the awning and stayed beneath it, turning with my hands in my pockets to see the others. I shivered and said, "So what's the plan now, Tink?" I was sure she had something else in mind, and for once, I really didn't mind.

Jasper had his arms wrapped around Alice's tiny frame, keeping her warm, and Edward stood off to the side with his hands stuffed in his pockets, shuffling his feet. Alice's lips pouted as she said, "I have to go home and go to bed. I have to be up at five for that fashion show I'm helping run tomorrow."

I cursed internally when I remembered her babbling about that show earlier today during her afternoon of torture. I really didn't want this night to end. I was too keyed up, and…to be honest…I wanted to get to know Edward a little more.

Well, since we would be cutting the night short, I decided to prolong the time I did have, freezing rain or not, so I teased Alice about the movie she'd chosen.

Jasper said, "Bells, it wasn't that bad." That earned him a smile from Alice.

I stared at him incredulously and then answered, "Oh come on, Jazz! That was worthy of Tom Servo, and you know it!"

Jasper tried to look at me seriously for a moment before he cracked up and nodded his head. "You know, that movie was strong enough for a Manos," he said.

"But made for a Womanos," I answered, paraphrasing our favorite quote from the MST3K episode of Manos, The Hands of Fate.

We stood there giggling for a minute before I noticed that Edward and Alice were both silent and…staring at us.

"No way…" I said, looking at them and then back at Jasper with my eyebrows raised. "Don't tell me you guys have never seen MST3K?"

"Seen…what?" Alice asked, perplexed.

I rolled my eyes. "Mystery Science Theater 3000? Tom Servo? Crow? Joel?"

More blank stares from them.

"Oh. My. God. Jasper…I can maybe understand Edward's lack of education, but how could you let Alice go without seeing it? And you call yourself her boyfriend!" I chided.

I shook my head and turned back to the ignorant ones. "MST3K is…" I paused, thinking, "well, it's sort of hard to explain, but it's one of the funniest things ever made. It's too bad you have to work in the morning, Alice, or I would drag your sorry asses back to our apartment right now for an education."

Edward cleared his throat. "Well, I'm up for it," he said quietly.

I blinked, beyond shocked. And then I shocked myself even further by saying, "Sounds good to me."

Alice and Jasper were staring with equally dumbfounded expressions – mouth agape, eyes wide - Alice staring at Edward, Jasper at me.

I made a face at them both. Did they really think of us as such freaks?

Well, they do have good reason to be surprised…weren't you?

I ignored my mental voice. I could tell Edward was just as annoyed by Alice's reaction, and I gave him a small, understanding smile that he returned.

"Damn, I'm freezing my ass off out here. What would possess you to dress me in short sleeves in October, Tink?" I shivered. "Give me your keys, Jazz. I'm going to sit in the car."

I bit my bottom lip as Jasper fumbled for his keys. "Umm…you can follow us to our apartment, Edward?" It ended up being more of a question than I intended. I was still surprised that he'd want to spend time with me, and I guess I wanted to give him a way out, though I felt wretched at the thought that he might want to use it.

"Sounds good," he answered. It was amazing – and humiliating – how my mood soared when he confirmed he'd be there.

I took Jasper's keys and stalked off, annoyed with myself. I opened the door and flopped into the passenger seat, reaching over to turn the car on and the heat up while I locked the doors. I knew it would blow cold air for awhile, but I never could be patient with that. I flipped through the CDs in Jasper's changer, looking for something to fit my mood.

I gave a small smile when I heard Alice in Chains playing, and I skipped through the songs to "Them Bones," cranking the volume. I pressed myself against the seat and peered through the rain-spattered windshield to see Alice talking to Edward off to the side. She looked serious, whatever it was she was saying, and he looked both…exasperated and…fond? I couldn't quite decipher the second emotion. Finally, he shook his head and laughed at her before walking to his own car to wait.

I watched Alice return to Jasper, and he swept her up into a hug, pulling her nearly a foot off the ground. I grinned at them and then felt a pang of regret. Why couldn't I have something…normal…like that?

I sighed and shook my head. Get the fuck over it. Might as well enjoy what you can have.

I thought about what I could have, about Edward coming over to hang out and watch MST3K, and my smile returned that I would at least get to spend some more time with him.

Jasper finished telling Alice good night and headed over to the car. I unlocked the door for him, and he slid into the driver's seat, grinning at me with one eyebrow arched.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing," he said in a singsong voice.

I narrowed my eyes. "If you've got something to say, Hale, spit it out."

He giggled. Yes, giggled. Then he sang, "Bella's got a boyfriend!"

I took inspiration from Alice and pinched him on the arm. Hard as I fucking could.

"Edward is asexual, remember? And I don't date. So this is as far from a date as you can get…got it?" I tried to make my voice menacing, but I was embarrassed to hear that I sounded more petulant.

Jasper kept one hand on the wheel as he rubbed his upper arm. "Dammit, that shit hurts! Yeah, yeah, I got it…" He peeked at me from the corner of his eye, and I saw a small grin on his face still.

"I invited him over because no one should go without MST3K, and you know that's true. Speaking of, how the hell have you let Alice go without seeing it? Have you been too 'busy'?" I grinned, my voice full of innuendo.

Jasper laughed and said, "Something like that…" blushing lightly. He was turning into such a girl.

We continued teasing each other the whole way home, and it felt good to be alone with him again. It was getting to be more and more rare, though Alice's fashion shows and our anime nights gave us some time. As we bantered, I would occasionally catch sight of Edward's headlights in the side mirror, and my stomach would give an unfamiliar clench in response.

I wonder what that's all about… I thought, but none of my voices had an answer. I guess we were all baffled by that one.

We pulled up at our apartment, both laughing, and headed inside. Once we were in the door, I told Jasper to entertain Edward because I was going to get out of Alice's torture devices. He chuckled.

Once in my room, I stripped out of my clothes, hanging the shirt up and tossing the jeans over the end of my bed. I thought for a moment but left the blue underwear and bra on. They weren't so bad, now that I'd gotten used to them.

I heard the front door open and Jasper's low voice greet Edward as I was trying to decide what to wear. I bit my lip, finally deciding to go ahead and put on my pajamas. I was going to treat Edward just like any of the rest of my guy friends, since that's what he was.

No matter what I might want.

God, could you please just give it a rest for tonight? I'm so tired of arguing…

I really didn't want to think about the implications of that particular conversation with myself, so I slipped into my plaid pajama pants and my favorite sleeping t-shirt – one I'd stolen from Jasper way back in middle school. I went into the bathroom and scrubbed my face, removing the mascara. I pulled my hair up into a messy bun before I skipped back out of my room.

There was no one in the living room, so I went down the hall to the kitchen, where I found Jasper getting a beer for Edward.

"Can you get me one of those?" I asked.

At the sound of my voice, Edward turned around and…froze. Like still as a fucking statue as he stared at me.

Gah, how bad can I possibly look? I mean, I know this isn't the sexiest thing in the world, but I'm not that hideous, am I?

"Sure, here you go, Bells," Jasper said, handing me my beer with a slice of lime stuck in the top, just like I like it.

"Umm…thanks," I answered, breaking away from Edward's gaze to take a sip from my bottle.

Edward blinked and looked down, drinking from his own beer.

"So I guess it's time to get down to business…" I struggled to return to normalcy and rubbed my hands together grinning. "What would you suggest we watch, Jazz?"

"Well, I have to head to bed myself soon, so I won't be joining you," Jasper smirked at me. "But I'd say start with…"

He tilted his head to the side, thinking. "Manos, the Hands of Fate and umm…Santa Clause Conquers the Martians."

Edward laughed as Jasper finished, and I glanced at him with a grin. "Oh, you haven't heard anything yet," I teased him. "You're in for a real treat."

"I'm counting on it," he smirked.

Jasper glanced between the two of us and grinned broadly. Tickling my ribs and making me squirm, he said, "You two have fun…be good." He winked at me. "I'm going to check my email and then go to bed. Alice is making me go to this fashion show tomorrow." He shook his head, a bewildered expression on his face as he wandered off to the sound of Edward and me laughing at him.

Taking another sip of my beer, I motioned for Edward to follow me and led him into the living room. I turned on a couple of lamps and turned the overhead off before wandering over to the racks of DVDs. Running my fingertip along the titles, I found the one I was looking for and pulled it out of the case, popping it into the DVD player. I grabbed the remote and turned to see Edward standing near the couch, apparently unsure of where to sit.

I sat down on one end of the couch and motioned him over before turning sideways to lean back against the arm, pulling my feet up on the cushion beside me. I took the afghan from the back of the couch and spread it out over my legs.

As I began flipping through the menu, I decided to try to explain MST3K to Edward. "Alright, so the basic premise is that this guy, Joel, and his robots – Crow T. Robot and Tom Servo – are trapped on a satellite. This evil scientist forces them to watch B-movies, and to help save their sanity, they spend the entire movie making fun of it."

Finally landing on the episode I wanted to watch, I glanced over at Edward to see he was watching me with an amused grin. I hit play, blushing lightly, and returned the smile.

"I know it sounds weird, but trust me, it's hilarious."

With a knowing smile, Edward said, "Ahh…so that's why you kept laughing tonight. You were imagining what they'd say during the movie?"

I blushed further and grinned, nodding. Then I turned my attention back to the screen as the movie started, giggling as I listened to Crow say, "Yes, it's Manos, the Hands of Fate…" over and over.

I couldn't help but wonder what Edward would think of MST3K…and…me…

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